03 March 2025


Flywire is a third-party supplier that is integrated with ebs to process online payments. You must contact Flywire to agree a contract. As well as support for debit and credit card payments, the integration with Flywire enables learners to pay by other payment methods such as bank transfers, as well as supporting payment in other currencies for international learners.

Once configured, an applicant or learner can be redirected to the Flywire payment screen in the following scenarios:

  • On reaching the end of the Create Enrolment flow and choosing Pay Now.

  • On selecting one or more fees in the ebs: ontrack Learner Hub > My Payments page and choosing Pay Now.

The image below shows the payment options available in Flywire for applicants and learners, such as debit cards and bank transfers, as well as the option to pay in another currency.

Flywire payment options

On making a payment through Flywire, a receipt is created in ebs: central. For example when a learner chooses to pay by credit card, initiates a bank transfer, and so on. The payment will appear in ebs: central on the ePayments popup with the current status of the payment.

The external reference is populated with the payment ID from Flywire, such as R865363195. Note that the My Payments page on ebs: ontrack Learner Hub will only reflect the payment once ebs has confirmation that the payment has completed successfully. Where the applicant or learner has made a payment that is not instant, such as a bank transfer, a message indicates that the fees are shown as outstanding until the funds have been received.

Configure Flywire

To enable applicants or learners to make payments through Flywire you must define the following Institution Settings:

ePayments (Common)
The table ePayments (Common) describes the fields that are relevant to the Flywire integration. It is recommended that unused fields are left blank.
ePayments (Common)
This field Holds this information...

ePayment initialised success message

Defines the message displayed once a learner has gone through a successful payment flow from the My Payments page.

Unlike card-only payment providers, a learner may complete the flow, but the fee could still be outstanding in ebs. For example, if the payment has been made through a bank transfer that isn't completed immediately.

ePayments (Self-Service)

The table ePayments (Self-Service) describes the fields that are relevant to the Flywire integration. It is recommended that unused fields are left blank.

ePayments (Self-Service)
This field Holds this information...

ePayment provider

The electronic payment provider being used for ebs: ontrack Learner Hub. Select Flywire from the drop-down list.

ePayment URL

The API base URL provided by Flywire as follows:

  • Production: https://api-platform.flywire.com/payments/v1/

  • Sandbox: https://api-platform-sandbox.flywire.com/payments/v1/

Payment account ID

The Flywire recipient ID for the institution. This is a unique three-letter ID that identifies the institution, such as HCO for Hesslewood College.

Payment security key

The Flywire API key for the institution.

Only use default account code for payments

It is recommended this field is set to N for Flywire.

Generate single fee line, use default account code and VAT code only

It is recommended this field is set to N for Flywire.

Only use default VAT code for payments

It is recommended this field is set to N for Flywire.

ePayment failure message (Prospect)

The message displayed to learners in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub when payment fails in the institution's payment provider.

Data Sent to Flywire

The table Data Sent to Flywire describes the data sent to Flywire when making a payment.

Data Sent to Flywire
Value Source Notes
payor.first_name Forename Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.last_name Surname Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.address Address Line 1 and 2 Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.city Town Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.country “GB” Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.state County Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.zip Post Code Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.phone Mobile number Populated by default with student information but may be changed.
payor.email Email address Uses ePayment email preference institution setting.
payor_id Person code -
options.form.locale “en” -
recipient.fields.student_id Person code -
recipient.fields.student_first_name Forename -
recipient.fields.student_last_name Surname -
recipient.fields.student_email Email address Uses ePayment email preference institution setting.
Items.id “default” -
items.amount The total amount being paid -
notifications_url Auto generated Uses ePayment web service URL (if populated) as root of address .
external_reference Person code -
recipient_id Flywire recipient id -
enable_email_notifications “True” -

Refer to PCI Compliance for further information about how ebs interacts with Flywire.